Monday, August 30, 2010

new shoes....

So I just finished reading and signing our school handbook for this year and realized I already broke some rules. NO FLIP-FLOPS/EXTREMELY CASUAL SANDALS or SLIPPER/HOUSE LOOKING SHOES. I've already worn both of these kinds of shoes. Since we are allowed to wear "athletic" shoes on Wednesdays and Fridays I've decided to invest in another pair of casual shoes, I use to wear an old pair of TOMS but they are super worn in and even have holes in them.....don't think I can wear them anymore more to work, so I went back to the TOMS website to see what I could find, and wow they have a great new fall selection :) and since I don't usually wear big and bulky athletic shoes unless I'm working out, I decided on the Slate Wool Cordones and am super excited about it :)

PLUS it's a great cause!

Official Store - TOMS Shoes - One for One - A Pair of New Shoes is Given to a Child in Need With Every Pair Purchased |

Monday, August 23, 2010

back to the routine

Well it's been a crazy summer, it all almost seems like a dream now that I'm back to my routine. This morning as I was driving back to work back to my routine a song played called "lead me" by sanctus real and it made me realize that even though I'm going back to work and school and it's gonna be busy I still need to make time to spend with the people I love and let them know that I enjoy their presence in my life. Though the song is more specific about a husband and his wife and family I applied to all people that I have in my life. I will not let these routines I create in my life stop me from letting family and friends know that I care about them. Ok, now back to my routine of work and getting things ready for class...jk

update on my journey: leviticus 7

here's the song if you want listen

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

new goal

In the profession I'm in I set goals for students and patients and write objectives on how these goals will be accomplished (grad school is really helping me with goal writing), I tend to do this "goal writing" in my own life....I may not always accomplish my goals in the most graceful of ways but I usually get there somehow (with lots of help and hard work of course). I have set a new goal for read the bible front to back in a year. I know this may not be an in depth study of the word but I've always wanted to do it and I think it will be a great journey. I don't really want to set a reading schedule for myself, although I may have to later if I see I'm falling behind but I don't want it to be like that... you know what I mean?
Anyway I'm exited about it... I'm sure I'll have much to share throughout the year :)

DAY 1!