Monday, May 31, 2010

so what is this all about anyway?

so after letting Eli know that I started a blog for both of us, we started thinking about what specifically this blog would be about.....and came up with NOTHING. Seriously it's about NOTHING. To those of you that are Seinfeld fans you totally understand what we are talking about. It's about NOTHING specifically but about I making my point? We are going to use this blog as an outlet about things that we want to share, things that make us happy, things we want to ramble about etc. I guess you could really say it's about nothing and everything.

So though there is no specific agenda on this blog there are a couple of things that we love and think will take up most of our postings, GOD, FAMILY, FASHION, INTERIOR DESIGN, MAKE-UP, and FOOD. These things constantly bring smiles to my face. Eli on the other hand may not care too much about make-up and home decor, but is equally passionate about GOD, FAMILY, FOOD as well as HEALTHY LIVING, MUSIC and SPORTS.

So if you want to check out new recipes we're trying, home decor we're having fun with to make our little house a home, or articles on healthy living etc. we welcome you to
E&E :)

Thanks- E&E

Sunday, May 30, 2010

In the beginning.....

Yay for starting a blog! I've been wanting to for a while now, but just got too busy with life. So with the other E (my husband Eli) out fishing and this E (Erica, which is me) finding anything to avoid cleaning, this blog was born :)

This is a pic of the newborn, we call him blogger :)